Health Care

EVGA Ceiling Soffit & Canopy

EVGA Ceiling Soffit & Canopy

EVGA office remodel specification: 0.750” thick aluminum laminated panels for decorative ceilings and perimeter wall soffits. Railset Web non-load bearing frames solved two installation issues.

  1. The Web is square, level, and easy to plumb. It masked all surface irregularities in the ceiling drywall illuminating the need to prep the surface prior to the panel installation.

  2. Soffit framing was installed below the specified height. Drywall cladding had to be eliminated to accommodate installation of decorative panel and meet building height dimension. Railset’s rigid, square, and level Web aligned studs and carried the decorative panels to meet soffit building standard.

EVGA Ceiling Soffit & Canopy

Web rails span the open framing. Their rigid profile provided a level surface to fix the decorative  panels ensuring perfect panel joints and the interface of panels with LED light strips.

EVGA Ceiling Soffit & Canopy

The Railset Web was preassembled on the floor and installed in sections. The sections were joined with splice brackets. Wall mounts fixed the web to ceiling joists. The Web was leveled at wall mount locations.